We handle a large variety of Sunflower, Corn, Soybean, Wheat, Alfalfa, and Canola seed from our suppliers Croplan Genetics and NK. We also offer a full line of chemicals from Winfield United.
If you are interested in chemicals for your farming operation we can help you out. Crop scouting is free with chemical purchases. Call Alex 701-301-3161.
Possible severe storms early in the week, and Monday is the first USDA report on farmer planting plans for 2023. We'll also continue tracking tariff conversations around the April 2 deadline.
USDA's Prospective Plantings and quarterly Grain Stocks report, set for release on Monday, March 31, will serve to give an early look into production potential for spring-planted crops, while also accounting for inventory still on hand from 2024.
Quote of the Day
"The first thing is to love your sport. Never do it to please someone else. It has to be yours."